Pumpkin the Donkey
Pumpkin is the pride and joy of Dalscone Farm Fun! He got his name because he was born so close to Halloween, located right next to the barn full of Pumpkins! Pumpkin took his first steps on camera where he had a warm welcome from the Dalscone Farm Fun online community. Pumpkins Birth to date has been watched nearly 8 million times on our facebook page and a video of him rolling over Rio when he was only a day old has over 10 million views!
Pumpkin’s mum is Rio, who he loves very much and is very caring. He likes doing tumbles over mums head in the barn! Donkey’s are known to be very friendly and good natured, however Pumpkin is the cheekier one in the donkey herd, Mum Rio keeps a close eye on him to make sure Pumpkin isn’t too naughty!